Saturday 23 May 2015

Reading Groups - Radio play recording

In Reading Groups we have kept away from your traditional texts and focused on multi-level radio play scripts. These scripts help us to develop our fluency, pronunciation and inflection skills as well as a deeper comprehension of the text itself. Students have completed several tasks based on these scripts as well a recording of the radio play that can be viewed below or on our Podcast page.

Monday 11 May 2015

The garden at Artarmon Public School is suffering. Local wildlife continue eating the vegetables, students are forgetting to water it and the torrential rain left it over-watered! This has left the plants stressed, especially young seedlings. How can we make sure seedling survive to be mature plants we can eat?

Design an enclosure which will allow vegetable garden seedlings to be grown without being eaten by wildlife or killed by drought and flood. A working model must be produced.

Design Criteria -

The device must:
  • Allow seeds to be raised to seedlings
  • Survive unaided (no watering!) for 3 weeks
  • Be fully enclosed
  • Utilise natural sunlight

Design Constraints:
  • Complete the task within the allocated timeframe
  • Complete the task at school
  • Make your model or prototype from recycled or reused materials.

Your portfolio must show -
  • Evidence of collaborative group work and time management skills.
  • Annotated designs -  including modifications, changes and reasons behind decisions where necessary.
  • Reflective diary entries
  • A learning log that includes goal setting and evaluation of achievements or challenges

Marking Rubric (The numbers show the mark you will receive)

Product design 
  1. The product design is limited. Group made no attempt to redesign during the time frame The product is designed with some aspects appropriate.
  2. The product is designed competently meeting most aspects of the criteria
  3. The product is designed very competently. 
  4. Students appropriately selected 2 or more plants and have met all criteria. 
Plant growth
  1. Seeds were planted incorrectly or the plants needs are not met.
  2. Seeds were planted correctly. The plants need were not met.
  3. The seedlings sprout within the terrarium and survived for a period.
  4. The terrarium is functioning as a healthy closed environment.
Group Work / Participation / Inclusion
  1. Does not participate or contribute in the group. Takes over or fails to allow others to contribute.
  2. Participates and contributes to the team.
  3. Actively participates and contributes to the team.
  4. Participates and contributes and actively includes others and promotes participation. Group works effectively as a team. 
  1. Student has something written in notebook but no pictures or research
  2. Student has written little in the notebook, has a few pictures (3 or less) and has no research regarding their terrarium
  3. Student has recorded some observations, has some research and has at least 4 pictures and diagrams.
  4. Student has recorded ample observations, research, and has at least 5 pictures or diagrams of their terrarium 
  1. The oral presentation was noticeably lacking in either research or preparation.
  2. The oral presentation was satisfactory, although it lacked sufficient research and preparation.
  3. The oral presentation demonstrated a sufficient amount of research and preparation.
  4. The oral presentation was thoughtful, thorough, and entertaining. It was clearly rehearsed.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Congratulations: Top 6 Reward

Congratulations to the students who earned the most money from last term. As a reward you will, with parent permission, have your opportunity to own your very own Pie-dish Beetles that you can take home (or leave in the classroom). The enclosure will be provided along with the sand and coco peat substrate.

Care Information:
They are very easy species to look after and very fun to hold.
  • Feed them one or two guinea pig pellets every week or so (I will provide this)
    - remove any food that is old.
  • Small piece/slice of carrot for moisture every week
    - remove old carrots. 
Pie-dish Beetle (Pterohelaeus walkieri)

Monday 4 May 2015

Rehearsal: Law and Disorder

Here is our rehearsal recording of Law and Disorder. It sounds great, but can we make it better?