Thursday 19 February 2015

 A Very Unusual Pursuit

Have your read a good book lately?  
(R$10 per book review)

This post has been created so that you can tell someone about a book you have read. It is also a good way to find books that you may enjoy reading.

Leave a comment with your review

Include: Title, Author and a blurb about what the book is about.

Then choose 3 or more questions from the list below and answer them in your review.

Why did you like (or dislike) the main character?
If there is artwork, did you like it? Why or why not?
What would you change in this book? Why?
What facts or fun things did you learn from this book?
What did the book help you learn about yourself or someone else?
Did the characters in the book remind you of yourself or anyone else? Why?
Did the book remind you of any other books? Which ones, and why?
Did the book leave you with something to think about? What?
Would you recommend this book to others?
Other (add your own question)

 Book of the Year Awards Notables 2014

Sunday 15 February 2015

Matchstick Puzzles

Puzzle 1: Remove 9 matches so that no square (of any size) remains.
Puzzle 2: Move 6 matches so that 5 squares are formed.
Click below for more :mrgreen:
Puzzle 3: Move 3 matches to get 3 perfect squares.
Puzzle 4: Move 3 matches to make 4 equilateral triangles, no overlapping.
Puzzle 5: Move 4 matches to form 3 equilateral triangles.
Puzzle 6: Ice in the glass
  • (Easy) Move 3 matchsticks and reform the glass in the same shape so the ice is outside it.
  • (Harder) Move 2 matchsticks and reform the glass in the same shape so the ice is outside it.

Thursday 12 February 2015

Life in the 18th Century -1700s

Life in the 18th Century England was very different from life today. People's lives mostly centred around their home and village or city. They rarely travelled further than the next town.

Read this document all about Life for the Rich, Life for the Poor and Prison Hulks. Take notes as we will be using this information in class.

In class we will be writing a newspaper article for 'The Morning Chronicle' as if we were living in this time. It is important to remember that the document is written in past tense and we need to write in present tense, as if it was happening right now.

Your article can be about the rich, the poor and/or prison bulks. You will also need to include a black and white picture.

Prisoners aboard a hulk ship