Sunday 30 August 2015

Reminder: Speech

This is a reminder that your speech is due on Monday 7th September (Week 9)

One person will be chosen to represent the class at the Grade Public Speaking Final. The student chosen will compete using the same speech given in class. One winner will be chosen by an independent adjudicator to win the competition.

Competition audience will only be students in Year 3 and Year 4 and parents of the competitors are invited to attend these finals.


What makes an excellent speech?
Matter – Well structured –content that is unique and interesting for the audience. Speakers should refer to palm cards, and not just read the content.
Manner – good use of voice (articulation, volume, pausing, pace), good posture, gestures and eye contact. The speaker’s voice should be relaxed without being exaggerated.
Method – well-practised in presenting (rehearsed). Speeches need to have a clear introduction, middle and conclusion. Don't introduce yourself or thank your audience. Good introductions and conclusions are memorable, effective and original.
Visual aids, costumes or props are not permitted.

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