Thursday 22 October 2015

Assignment: Becoming a Fictional Character.

In our reading groups we have been working on deepening our understanding of the text by becoming the characters and building character profiles around them. The character profile uses information from the text as well as additional suitable information that we imagine.

Create a character profile of a main character from a book you have read. The more interesting the character, the better your profile will be. This should be on white posterboard or A3 paper and should be set out like a Mind Map (as we did in class).

For the central image, use a photo of yourself and edit it so it looks like the character you have chosen. You can edit it on computer, tablet or print it out and add texta/pencil etc. See similar work from my previous class below.

DUE: Monday 9th November (Week 6)

These were done on iPad using Art Set app.
Becoming a fictional character Becoming a fictional characterBecoming a fictional character Becoming a fictional characterBecoming a fictional character

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